Been wanting a threadcatcher for a while as my norm is to spread threads all over my flat with any project.
Found several good tutorials, but could not find what the Americans call ' belting'
Eventually after long chat with BF, she suggested the material she had used to make her husband some clown trousers (no comment)
Further searching revealed corsetry 'boning' which is just what I needed to stiffen top of thread catcher
Decided to fill the cushion with barley to which I added orange oil...BUT perhaps should have waited for that to dry before adding to pincushion as it stained the linen fabric . Doh!
Finished 2 custom quilted sofa covers, packaged them up with some fragranced wood sticks from IKEA, and will be delivering them next week in Wales. Hope she likes them as I am sick of the site of them now.
Otherwise, new obsession = preserving. Made first batch of blackberry jam from allotment fruit ( no tending from me, wild! ). Very pleased with the set.
Got quite a lot of tasteless tomatoes from balcony crop, so want to turn those into tomato and chill jam today. IKEA also very good for airtight jars..80p each.
Good old IKEA !