Saturday, 10 March 2012

wave free motion

long time, no quilting
finally finished the wave quilting on this  furoshiki
OK for a first go, but need to lose the grid lines in the future

Looking forwards to workshops at festival of quilts in august, always learn so much  there

Daughter said my tracksuit bottoms were 'chavtastic ' today...don't think my USA friends would know the word 'chav'........guess what? it isn't a good thing!


  1. OH DEAR!! Out of the mouths of babes and innocents!!! My daughter has NEVER liked my choices !phew!! x gave me a chuckle this morning xx
    SO wish I could go to Festival but am working that weekend ... BOOO

  2. I'm from USA and nope, I have never heard the word and don't know the meaning.

  3. Do I dare ask??? LOL! wait, I'm going to ask Michael...


    Nope. he doesn't know either, he said it must have become a word in the recent last 40 years. LOL!

    Wish you'd come for Houston Int'l!
