Friday, 20 July 2012

olympic torch and cinnamon buns

What  great day! Could not sleep last night  fussing about where we could try and see the torch relay through Kent.
Woke up grumpy daughter early, packed a couple of bacon rolls, flask of coffee and some reduced sugar squash for R
( guess who needed her first filling yesterday? ).
We arrived at the site destined setting off point for  Gravesend relay, and the atmosphere was great, with lots of little kids and their lovely home made paper and tissue olympic torches.

 The morning brightened up as time went on, and the police advance convoy enjoyed the cheers as they went about their business.....slow police motorcyclists high fiving the little kids at the roadside as they went by...sweet!
Got ourselves in a frenzy by the time the convoy arrived,  and then.....  THEN......., my iphone ran out of memory JUST AS TORCH BEARER CAME INTO VIEW !!!!. Big panic, failed to delete quickly enough, then at the last minute rescued by using Instagram instead. Phew!

Back home to enjoy a nice cinnamon bun I baked yesterday...ahh, all is content in this household ....


  1. That's so funny, my batteries in my camera died right before the torch came through our little town for the 2010 Winter Games. I live right at the US/Can border and we have a huge Peace Arch in the "no mans land" and they brought the torch through the park for the people in Washington to see it. I took off work to go down, once in a lifetime event. Glad you got to see London's Torch!

  2. how funny!
    yes, its a once in a lifetime chance.. trying to encourage all lacklustre brits to GET INVOLVED!
