Inspired by this pretty autumnal project on cluck cluck sew ( thanks cluckcluck!
Thought I could use my liberty lawn charms which I had bought to cover decoupage birdies
They are not my first choice of fabric as they are rather muted - but they seemed to be right for the falling leaves
Still cautiously learning applique, so used raw edge with a simple straight stitch at a short 1.5 length
What did I learn?
1. Do not fuse edges of the bondaweb to ironing board, especially if you have just bought nice new clean one
2. Leaves all needed cutting down as I had made them too large for my cushion front 18" square
3. Having arranged all the leaves in satisfactory pattern on the front piece on the floor, somewhat of a challenge to pick it all up onto ironing board without leaves a falling before they should
4. Should have left a bit more space above and below to allow for seams not getting too close to the motif
Love your lessons learnt! Cushion looks great with the liberty prints.