Really enjoying having August off work
Making something everyday when I should be perhaps doing the odd bit of housework, but I think I am a fully paid up member of the domestic sluts brigade.
Had to clean up the flat a bit so R could have a friend over, made them both pencil cases for the new term. R had chosen the grey prints.
However, was told by R in no uncertain terms , NOT to give one to her friend as its just not cool to have matching pencil cases, silly me.
Somewhat bruised by this encounter, I found an unfinished quilt top and decided to quilt it up...and thats what I have done today
Also planning to make 80 cupcakes for my niece's 21st. Thinking of doing super hero cases with multicolour iced cupcakes with love hearts decorations; a retro vibe I think. Quite a responsibility to get it right!
Missing R who is at camp this week, flat seems too quiet without her.
how could you even THINK of them having matching pencil cases!! I am surprised at you!!!! lol x quilt looks good x