Wednesday, 27 January 2016

quilt block clock time

A day off today after two very 'challenging' days in the ER. Woke up to rain and wind, grey.......
What to do?  A lovely little kit has arrived for me to experiment with; make your own fabric covered clock. 

Had been looking at this block I had made for Robert Kauffman rhoda ruth challenge last year, I love it, but not really doing anything  with it apart from smiling when it peeps out from the project pile.

Was not quite large enough, so bordered it with grey spottiness and followed the instructions. 
What I would say is.....try not to stick the supporting PVC to the right side of the fabric, a wrong sided fabric clock just isn't that attractive.

Using a block means you have to be pretty accurate in getting the clock mechanism to come though the middle of the block, and that was very fiddly, but just keep peeling back the PVC and starting again.

Here's the finished project, as you can see done by 0837!
Congratulated myself with a large bagel with jam and peanut butter and a small vat of coffee. Looking forward to daughter coming home from school and saying " Oh no, not not another quilt item in the living room, where's the old clock?"

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