Monday, 28 January 2013

cathedral windows

Always admired these lovely quilt blocks
finally tried it out, here we go, la la la la laa

1. should have used batting under the windows fabric, as when I tried to press them they just got the imprint of underlying folded fabric and went all wrinkly AAGGHHH
2. Mussed up the centre, tried to cover up with embroidery cotton NAH
3. Same colour thread would have made dodgy edge sewing less noticeable

4. Button is a most excellent cover up for centre cock ups, lets hear it for buttons folks!
5. Pressing needs to be VERY accurate

well, its photographing better than it looks in reality heh heh


  1. Yeah for buttons!! I've seen queen quilts made like this, so I thought I'd try. My quilt finished at 12" x 18" I did it by hand, it's much easier. Cathedral windows is right up there with 1/4" hexagons!
    Love the color combo

  2. Yes, although I am not a hand quilter, can see that the turned edges would be much easier to do that way next time
    I was feeling very grey when I made it, the colours lifted me up

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  4. hmmm, was a bit wary of exposing my email , but we'll give it a go Angela..........settings readjusted
