Saturday, 19 January 2013

solids quilt

This really became the unfinished project to top all
After basting the quilt myself on top of my bed, it was really hard to machine quilt as the basting was not good, and there were puckers ago go. So then tried to hand quilt it a bit. Hmm. Worked in some areas.
Well, its been sitting at the end of my bed annoying me, so finally got down to binding it . Now at least I can use it for extra warmth on bed, as the snowy weather has hit us hard.

Asked daughter if she wants another quilt on her bed. 'No thanks, I just get into bed and shiver until I am warm' says she. 

Here's the puckered project on the castle gate...started it in summer, and as you can see, snow is now on the ground...... the quilt is  from a pattern called 'keys' by alissa haight-carlton

Gone bonkers today and ordered 12 yards fabric for backing,  has 20% off.
Joel Dewberry Notting Hill Kaledioscope in pink

and a  Michael Miller Disco  Dots in haze, am thinking this would look good as backing to a black and white quilt


  1. Basting it the hardest thing about quilting. If you have room, try taping it to the floor and then pin baste. For hand quilting, if you can, get a longarm quilter to baste it for you. Over here, it's pretty inexpensive but I know in AUS, someone told me it's close to the same as having it quilted. A well basted quilt makes the quilting so much more enjoyable. It looks fabulous though, and finished is better than perfect!

  2. Thanks Sharon
    I have learned my lesson that anything bigger than baby size , I need to send to my longarm quilter ( hey Debbie! ) for basting
    Don't know what came over me to try again!
